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This usage of “key” is not related to the term “key sequence”; it means a value used to look up an item in a table. In this case, the table is the alist, and the alist associations are the items.


This definition of “environment” is specifically not intended to include all the data that can affect the result of a program.


A quirk of our X11 implementation means that non-ASCII keysyms have different internal representations in the X11 (with GTK) and other worlds (like the TTY, or Microsoft Windows), so, for example, binding EuroSign to a command will normally work, but will not invoke that command if someone presses the Euro sign in a TTY console; conversely, binding (make-char 'latin-iso8859-15 #xa4) or (char-to-int (make-char 'latin-iso8859-15 #xa4)) to a command will call that command on a TTY console, but not in an X11 window of the same process.


See the documentation for ‘set-input-mode’ and ‘set-console-tty-coding-system’ if you’re having trouble inputting non-ASCII characters in the TTY.


Not quite the case; the result of the functions are pre-calculated and cached whenever define-specifier-tag or make-charset is called.


That’s what the standards call it, though my North American readers will be more familiar with it as the period character.

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This document was generated by Aidan Kehoe on December 27, 2016 using texi2html 1.82.